Created by The Ladies' Room collective (Ilaria Bianchi, Agustina Bottoni, Astrid Luglio) in exclusive for Building Gallery.
Phenomenology of a path between nature and architecture. The project is site-specific: a multisensory, intimate and structured path, with four installations, designed exclusively for the gallery, and created to accompany the visitors in a symbolic rise, through encounters and levels, which lead to the knowledge and the rediscovery of distant ancestral images, a design that creates empathy with the observer.
The journey, in four moments, where nature and artifice meet, in a variety of perspectives and trajectories, inside and outside the building, In Itinere is a silent guide, a collection of delicate signs to be interpreted, before proceeding into a journey, material and poetic, through time and space, a journey to discover archetypal forms and dynamic objects, that coexist in harmony with the environment.
Year — 2018
Photo — GianMarco Porru